A week ago, I made a Reddit post asking explorers at what point they usually drop off their loot. Since a few people had questions about the loot I posted in general and drug sites AKA chemical labs specifically, I’m making this brief guide. This’ll cover nullsec drug production facilities, such as H-PA Crew Crash Production Facility. The lowsec versions are pretty lousy and LS exploration isn’t good in general. Specifically, I’ll cover how to cheese run these sites in a frigate.
The Basics
There are 8 null COSMOS regions in the game: Catch, Cloud Ring, Delve, Feythabolis, Fountain, Tenal, Vale of the Silent, and Wicked Creek. Predictably, these regions have null COSMOS agents, with each region’s agents being concentrated in a specific constellation with lore significance. Each null COSMOS region also has unique gas and other sites, such as combat relic sites. This guide will focus on drug production facilities.
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