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EVE Nomad Posts

EVE Exploration Guide Part 2: Fitting and Implants

Interested in learning more? Check out the rest of the EVE Online Exploration Guide!

Even if you’re just fitting your ship to explore and do nothing else, EVE still has so many modules and rigs that it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are a few modules that you absolutely need on an exploration ship, or at least should really put on there. The rest are up to personal preference.

I highly recommend downloading an out-of-game fitting tool like Pyfa. It’s very intuitive and gives you so much more information than the ingame fitting screen.

Mandatory Modules

This might sound obvious, but you can’t explore without a probe launcher and at least one analyzer. At least, unless you want your only loot to be pretty screenshots and a rescue request. You also need a cloaking device (covops if you can), interdiction nullifier (if your ship allows it), propulsion module (usually a microwarpdrive), and something to help with align time on most ships.

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EVE Exploration Guide Part 1: Picking a Ship

Interested in learning more? Check out the rest of the EVE Online Exploration Guide!

While you can technically explore in any ship, there are hulls that are either specifically designed for exploration or lend themselves well to it despite not having direct exploration bonuses. With over two dozen such options to choose from, every option has its place depending on what you want to do. Depending on your needs and budget, you might get more value out of a relatively cheap Anathema than a blingy Pacifier, or you might get more out of shelling out for a Strategic Cruiser. Repeatedly losing a cheap ship stings a lot less than losing a really expensive one even once, but if you know what you’re doing, you’re less likely to lose the expensive ship in the first place.

Here’s an overview of the most common options:

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Why Explore?

Because it’s fun!

Wait, you’re still here? Fine, fine.

Exploration has a lot of things going for it that make it a very attractive “starter career” in EVE Online and an easy recommendation for new players who don’t want to run missions or stare at rocks all day (staring at antivirus nodes all day is much more engaging).

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