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Month: June 2024

What’s the Best Covops?

The best covops is whichever one you think looks prettiest. See you next time.

Wait, you’re still here? Fine, fine. But “What’s the best covops for me?” is really a better question. When deciding between the 4 covops frigates (Anathema, Buzzard, Cheetah, Helios), there are a few things to consider. This’ll be from the perspective of exploration, not scouting for a fleet or what have you. I’ll also include starter fits for each one.

I won’t cover the Pacifier here, since it’s a different kind of ship that fills different roles.

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Explorer’s Annex: Ghost Sites

Come on, ghost sites aren’t that scary. Why yes, that’s a screenshot of a ghost site explosion. Why do you ask?

The Basics

Ghost sites are unique exploration sites found in every part of New Eden: hisec, lowsec, nullsec, and wormholes. They always appear in the probe scanner as level 3 data signatures, except in the null drone regions (Cobalt Edge, Etherium Reach, Malpais, Outer Passage, Perrigen Falls, The Kalevala Expanse, and The Spire), where they show as level 1 combat signatures. For some reason. And with their drops skyrocketing in price, it’s never been a better time to run them.

Angel Cartel ghost sites

All ghost sites are named [Prefix] [Faction] Covert Research Facility. For example, “Improved Sansha Covert Research Facility.” That’s not to be confused with Beseiged Covert Research Facilities, which are proper lowsec combat sites.

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T6 Abyss: The Gila

For more T6 abyss guides, check out the main T6 abyss page!

Ah, the Gila. It’s great at all kinds of PVE and the abyss is no exception. While a lot of people (including me) think the Gila’s boring, it’s a very popular choice for T6 abyss due to its combination of strong shield tank, drone and missile bonuses, and relatively low SP requirements. Let’s dive into T6 Gila fits and how you can get the most out of this ship.

The Basics

Like the Ishtar, the Gila’s a drone ship. It’s shield-tanked like the typical T6 Ishtar fit on that page and uses missiles for supplemental damage. The Gila’s unique in that it follows the Guristas flavor of only having 2 drones in a flight, but getting massive HP and damage bonuses for those drones. This means that the bulk of your damage will be coming from 2 medium drones. Fortunately, the Gila has a massive drone bay, with room for 10 flights of 2 medium drones each. Those drone bonuses are also role bonuses, and the Gila’s a T1 pirate hull. This makes it far more friendly towards low-SP pilots than other T6 abyss cruisers. For detailed stats, Uniwiki is of course a great resource.

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