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Category: T6 Abyss

Ship and fitting guides for T6 abyssal deadspace.

T6 Abyss: The Gila

For more T6 abyss guides, check out the main T6 abyss page!

Ah, the Gila. It’s great at all kinds of PVE and the abyss is no exception. While a lot of people (including me) think the Gila’s boring, it’s a very popular choice for T6 abyss due to its combination of strong shield tank, drone and missile bonuses, and relatively low SP requirements. Let’s dive into T6 Gila fits and how you can get the most out of this ship.

The Basics

Like the Ishtar, the Gila’s a drone ship. It’s shield-tanked like the typical T6 Ishtar fit on that page and uses missiles for supplemental damage. The Gila’s unique in that it follows the Guristas flavor of only having 2 drones in a flight, but getting massive HP and damage bonuses for those drones. This means that the bulk of your damage will be coming from 2 medium drones. Fortunately, the Gila has a massive drone bay, with room for 10 flights of 2 medium drones each. Those drone bonuses are also role bonuses, and the Gila’s a T1 pirate hull. This makes it far more friendly towards low-SP pilots than other T6 abyss cruisers. For detailed stats, Uniwiki is of course a great resource.

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T6 Abyss: The Ishtar

For more T6 abyss guides, check out the main T6 abyss page!

You might be wondering why I didn’t start with the Gila, since that’s by far the most popular cruiser for T6 abyss (and abyss in general). The answer is that I think it’s boring. Also, the Ishtar’s my “main” T6 abyss ship. Write what you know, right? Anyway, here’s a T6 Ishtar guide!

The Basics

Like the Gila, the Ishtar’s a drone ship. However, while the Gila’s limited to having just 2 medium drones active at a time, the Ishtar can field a full flight of 5 drones. With 125 bandwidth, the Ishtar can use a full flight of heavy drones or the more popular 2 Geckos, 2 mediums, and 1 light. This setup works well because the Geckos do a lot of damage and have a lot of tank while the light flies around and pops caches for you. Thanks to the Ishtar’s tracking bonus, its heavy drones (including Geckos) have no issues applying damage to most targets.