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Month: January 2025

Signal Cartel / EvE-Scout Turns 10!

As of January 20th, Signal Cartel is a decade old! Co-founded by Johnny Splunk, G8keeper, and Mynxee on January 20th, 2015, with the EvE-Scout Enclave alliance being created on the 23rd and the corp opening recruitment on the 31st, the corp and alliance have been going strong over the last ten years.

Founded in the wake of Thera’s addition to the game in the 2014 Rhea expansion, EvE-Scout started as a neutral service to map the system’s numerous wormhole connections. Since then, the group has branched out to wormhole rescues, wormhole rescue caches, storm tracking, tourism, and more. You can read all about SC’s history in this blog post on by Katie Sae.

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Explorer’s Annex: Drug Production Facilities

A week ago, I made a Reddit post asking explorers at what point they usually drop off their loot. Since a few people had questions about the loot I posted in general and drug sites AKA chemical labs specifically, I’m making this brief guide. This’ll cover nullsec drug production facilities, such as H-PA Crew Crash Production Facility. The lowsec versions are pretty lousy and LS exploration isn’t good in general. Specifically, I’ll cover how to cheese run these sites in a frigate.

The Basics

There are 8 null COSMOS regions in the game: Catch, Cloud Ring, Delve, Feythabolis, Fountain, Tenal, Vale of the Silent, and Wicked Creek. Predictably, these regions have null COSMOS agents, with each region’s agents being concentrated in a specific constellation with lore significance. Each null COSMOS region also has unique gas and other sites, such as combat relic sites. This guide will focus on drug production facilities.

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Explorer’s Annex: Rogue Drone Relic Sites

That’s right! These exist now. As of the Revenant expansion in November 2024, there are now rogue drone relic sites in addition to the existing drone data sites and dronelands ghost sites. While a nice addition to the drone regions, the sites are unfortunately fairly disappointing.

The Basics

Rogue drone monument site
A Rogue Drone Monument Site.

Rogue drone relic sites can spawn in the 8 nullsec drone regions (Cobalt Edge, Etherium Reach, Malpais, Outer Passage, Perrigen Falls, The Kalevala Expanse, and The Spire) and in the kinds of wormhole systems that normally have pirate data/relic sites (C1, C2, C3, C13, and shattered C4). They follow the exact same naming scheme as nullsec/wormhole pirate relic sites:

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